Month: September 2013


Let’s look at seven reasons in Scripture for why we should not be anxious about our future

When we agonize over a situation—whether it’s financial, relational, or medical—we usually have a good reason to worry! Don’t miss the real-life application from Matthew 6.


“Movers and shakers” are people climbing the ladder of influence and success. Luke 3 mentions seven prominent leaders who exercised control in the society of their time.

Discover what spiritual sickness is and how it is affecting Americans

Illnesses like influenza, smallpox, and bubonic plague have all been national epidemics at some time in history. Be here for the diagnosis of the spiritual sickness that is affecting Americans on a much larger scale.

friends & enemies

A made-for-TV miniseries chronicled the experiences of the US 1st Marine Division in the Pacific Theater during World War II. The episode of the Marines storming the beaches of Iwo Jima was emotionally difficult to watch. Of the young Marines who survived the barrage of bullets and mortar fire, many froze on the beach in utter terror, not knowing what to do next.

What Does The Lord Require Of You?

By Alan Humphrey, UK My name is Alan, but you may call me Marshmallow. At least, that’s what my dance partner used to call me—thankfully not because she wanted to skewer me with a sharp stick and toast me over a camp-fire (my dancing wasn’t quite that bad), but rather because she felt that I [...]

A Friend In Need

Not long ago my wife, Janet, and I bought a quantity of beef from a friend who raised cattle on a small farm. It was less expensive than meat from a grocery store, and we put it in the freezer to use throughout the coming months.

Find the true meaning behind Jesus’ promise of provision in Matthew 6

There may be some people who argue that God always wants us to be healthy and wealthy, but is that what the Bible teaches?

discover what’s yours

Some residents in my state are discovering lost treasure. Many have reclaimed cash, property, and other financial holdings. With the help of the state’s I-cash program, Melva recovered $296.33 that her previous bank hadn’t sent to her. Robert logged into the program’s website and discovered that his grandmother had left him a $3,000 inheritance. The program’s motto is: Discover what’s yours.

Life in the Face of Death: Honest Conversations with Ed Dobson and Mart DeHaan, Part 4: My Garden

“My Garden.” A pastor for many years, Ed struggled to adjust to a life without the pulpit after his diagnosis of ALS. Ed shares how he eventually discovered there is much more to who we are than what we do.

Confidence In Troubled Times

Some kids love to brag about their dads. If you eavesdrop on neighborhood conversations, you’ll hear children saying, “My dad is bigger than your dad!” or “My dad is smarter than your dad!” But the best brag of all is, “My dad is stronger than your dad!” This boast is usually in the context of a warning that if kids are threatening you, they’d better beware, because your dad can come and take them all down, including their dads!

truly human (again)

Last year at an international summit of world powers in Doha, the capital of Qatar, global leaders launched the Educate A Child project. The project seeks to build bridges between nations, calling us to recognize our shared humanity and to intervene on behalf of those at risk. Further, the project believes that funding children’s development will ultimately yield to a more peaceful world.

Choices, Choices and, Yes, More Choices!

By Sean Tong, UK Pizza or chips? Neighbors or Home and Away? The Beatles or The Rolling Stones? We live in an ever-growing world of choices. We can take eons of time scrolling through our iPods to decide which song to play, flick through endless satellite TV channels, and can choose from a vast array [...]

The Good And The Bad

Recently, I began studying the kings of the Old Testament with some friends. I noticed on the chart that we were using that a few of the leaders of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah are labeled good, but most of them are labeled bad, mostly bad, extra bad, and the worst.

Life in the Face of Death: Honest Conversations with Ed Dobson and Mart DeHaan, Part 5: Ask Forgiveness

“Ask Forgiveness.” When Ed Dobson was told that his life would be over in a few short years, he found his priorities drastically rearranged. Wanting to mend relationships, he decided some things were more important than who was right and who was wrong.

real life

Recently, some friends and I read the Gospels out loud during a weekend retreat. The cabin we rented, nestled in a beautiful setting, was owned by a religious community. We took in a few of their services—enduring worship that was lifeless and joyless. Later, when we met with those who had led the services, we realized that the values they espoused conflicted sharply with biblical Christianity. At that point, we realized that more than just the worship was lacking real life.

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